The Supplement to the journal Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation titled “Sex, Gender and Traumatic Brain Injury” is now published. Dr. Angela Colantonio, guest editor of this special issue, states in her opening commentary:
A sex and gender analytical approach to rehabilitation research is crucial to understanding traumatic brain injury and improving quality of life outcomes for survivors. Put another way, the lack of focus on sex and gender reduces the rigor of research design, the generalizability of study findings, and the effectiveness of clinical implementation and knowledge dissemination practices…
This issue presents studies that focus specifically on women (filling a wide knowledge gap), that examine data by sex/gender (documenting potential differences and similarities), and that apply a sex/gender framework to their analysis (looking at how social structures affect a variety of outcomes). Importantly, these articles demonstrate the challenges of grappling with these concepts within the larger body of rehabilitation research.
The Supplement is currently available free of charge for all readers: Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Vol. 97, No. 2, Supplement 1