Ms Haag is a PhD candidate in Social Work at Wilfrid Laurier University, researching in the areas of disability studies and traumatic brain injury. Her work focuses on women survivors of intimate partner violence with resultant brain injury, exploring factors influencing mental health, return to work, and social inclusion. As part of an interdisciplinary research team, Lin recently completed a project exploring brain injury awareness in intimate partner violence service agencies and the development of an online educational toolkit to be used in this arena, The Abused & Brain Injured Toolkit. She is currently working to expand the toolkit with modules exploring employment and mental health challenges experienced by women survivors. As someone with lived experience of traumatic brain injury, Lin uses her story to add complexity and nuance to her research, teaching, and practice. She has spoken on issues of disability, brain injury, and marginalization for both academic and community-based organizations around the world. Lin has received numerous graduate awards and fellowships, including the Ontario Women’s Health Scholar Award, a SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship, a CIHR Strategic Training Fellowship in Interdisciplinary Primary Healthcare Research, Ontario Graduate Scholarships, and the Hilary M. Weston Scholarship for Social Work in the area of mental health.